Family Owned & Operated Since 2012



One of the joys of owning a historic home in Indianapolis is the charm and character of both the home and the community. Unfortunately many historic homes and neighborhoods, such as Lockerbie Square and Woodruff Place, lack traditional driveways. You may be wondering what are your dumpster options if you aren’t living in suburbia with spacious driveways?

Some historic areas have alleyways that our residential friendly trucks can navigate to place a bin on a parking area on the rear of the property. We do need a certain amount of clearance so it’s best to give us a call to discuss your access options. We may even request that you text over a few photos of the alley and property to evaluate if we’ll be able to deliver a bin for you. We never want to say no just based on the address without checking first to see if we can make it work for you.

Another option is called a Live Load. Our driver will arrive with the dumpster, off-load it in a safe spot, and then you have 15 minutes to load the bin. You’ll probably need some fast moving friends or helpers in order to make sure you get everything in to the dumpster within the allotted time.

If you don’t have anywhere to place a dumpster on your property you can contact your local permit office to see if you can be granted a permit to place the dumpster on the street. Approval is often based on local ordinances, traffic, and any safety issues that a bin would present such as blocking a hydrant, obstructing a traffic sign, etc. We recommend allowing ample time to contact the appropriate office and request a permit if you need to go that route.

 Give us a call today to discuss your unique dumpster needs!