Family Owned & Operated Since 2012

Where Can I Properly Dispose of Restricted and Toxic Materials?

Don't Throw These Items in the Dumpster
This is a great question we are asked all the time.  How do I properly dispose of toxic items if they are not allowed in the dumpster?

Fortunately Indianapolis and its surrounding counties have great programs in place where toxic items can be disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly manner!

Toxic items include but are not limited to, paint, gasoline, oil, batteries, paint thinners, pesticides, swimming pool chemicals, fire extinguishers, etc.

Every counties dumping guideline are different so we highly recommend you call ahead for proper disposal times and places.  From the list below select your county then click on the link for the specific hazardous disposal dates and times.

Marion County Indiana Residents

Boone County Indiana Residents

Hamilton County Indiana Residents

Hancock County Indiana Residents

Hendricks County Indiana Residents

Johnson County Indiana Residents

Morgan County Indiana Residents

Shelby County Indiana Residents